Recommend me a lover
in softcover, so their body
might show the world
how I’ve opened them.
Give me someone with a
thick spine and pages I
will never tire of folding
myself into. Show me a
love who I can lose myself
with, who tells a funny story,
who I can check out again
and again, who I can reread
into the earliest hours of the
morning. Give me a lover who
lets me hang up their dust jacket
when they come home to me—
but please, more than anything,
recommend me a lover who can
be my nonfiction and my fairytale.
Translated into Spanish by Abigail Kloha:

Translated into French by Autumn Mayer:

Poem and translations originally published in volume VIII of the Translate Iowa Project's Boundless magazine (p. 12-14, 2024) at the University of Iowa.