I write poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction that aims to untangle the complexities of love, womanhood, and the writing life.

Photo: Shaely Odean/The Daily Iowan.
Originally published in issue 35 of New Moon Magazine in April 2024.
i toss the red pepper seeds from our plates
into the wastebin like salt over my shoulder
you touched last night and i want
to remember every way our love is a garden
pruned in the bathtub until our bodies brim
with suds and pasta sauce and wine
is only grapes that became enamored under
the hungry friction of their lover’s kissing
you has become my favorite dinner
to protect in Tupperware so i can still savor
your love on my tongue at the breakfast table.

Volume XIII of Boundless magazine, where my poems "Love as a reference librarian" and "Tinted Windows" were published and translated.

Reading my poem "Haiku from the End of the World" at the Iowa City Book Festival.

Volume XIII of Boundless magazine, where my poems "Love as a reference librarian" and "Tinted Windows" were published and translated.